Monday, August 11, 2008

A Short Break

I never intended for this blog to become serious from the start, in fact only a limited amount of people have access to the information posted here as of this point in time. However posting in a slightly more professional manner, reviewing my own interests no matter what they are is something thats slowly gaining appeal to me. I enjoy the process of posting, then going back and tweaking and revising until I finally get what I want.

Either way I'll be posting here again soon enough. Those who read can look forward to more of my outlook on most things fantasy, sci fi, or just generally random.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Penny Arcade: An Alternative Media?

I’ve been reading Penny Arcade for as long as I can remember, so when I decided to review a media source that I felt was both alternative and revolutionary to the modern gaming industry it wasn’t until I actually went to investigate the site itself that I realized how perfect it was for the assignment; aside from perhaps choosing PvP Online there is no better way to showcase the raw power of the media as there can be with this simple online comic.

The first comic ever released by the duo of Tycho and Gabe appeared in 1998 on featuring a short three panel joke revolving around downloading times. It would be the start of a long road not only for the two gamers, but also for the gaming industry in general. When you take a look at a typical entertainment medium you find that there are generally multiple outlets to showcase it, but what we take for granted is the time and risk that as involved in attempting to generate a community. In our more modern gaming generation concepts such as web comics are normal, in fact its not spectacular or unique to have one. However there was a point in time when few to no such comics existed, when the only sort of panel that ever was readable were either in your Sunday newspaper or political next to long winded articles about important figures screwing up in some way. It would take years for people to really catch on and see the importance in web comics, and even today their existence is taken for granted.

Penny-arcade is a source of biased information about games in a time and place where we’ve come to no longer trust our reviewers. This is not to say that they’re perfect, nor that they’re experts in gaming and should have their word taken as gold, however this is to say that we can always expect them to give an honest review. Viewers are given a humorous comic related to the gaming (and sometimes the real world too) but in addition are given links that will direct you to the sources that provided the comic, as well as other information they find pertinent or interesting. For an industry that relies mainly on word of mouth this sort of press is critical, and something they give on a near regular basis. You don’t need to like them or agree with them to understand that they’ve made their point and it (or at least their comic version) will reverberate throughout an entire community.

And here would lie the critical part: what defines the gaming community? After all, if their targeted audience is simply people who play videogames its really hard to gain a sense of population or financial strength. Most of the time people consider gamers to be young teenagers and that conception isn’t entirely incorrect, however as more time goes on a smaller and smaller gap is starting to form. Take for example the Wii which sold 24.45 million units worldwide since its creation (774,123 units compared to 232,421 in a single month in Japan). With approximately six billion people currently on the planet earth that means that close to .4% of the earth and growing owns this single product. By aggressively advertising to not only the young child in every household, but also to the mother, father, and grandparents targeting an entire family, not just a single age demographic is where Nintendo has succeeded in a way that no other gaming developer has currently be able to secure victory. And as the general audience of a gaming console grows so does the demand for knowledge about not only the product but its competitors grows, after all what American today purchases an item without first considering product alternatives? Penny-Arcade has captured a market that most advertisers would kill for, one that is receptive, active and willing to participate in a community they feel they connected with. And in fact, this is something that has already been taken advantage of in a positive light.

Child’s Play, Penny-Arcades organizational charity was created in 2003 in order to give aid to children who less fortunate during the holiday season. Featuring the help of 100,000 ‘gamers’, 45 hospitals around the globe, and the medium of a single comic website as their means of communication over one million three hundred dollars worth of game related toys (including videogames, systems, and cash donations) were collected and distributed throughout the world. And its not as if major corporations have failed to recognize this sort of community driven importance, as many donate themselves to funds such as Child's Play as well as maintain written contact with the authors of the site. In fact it’s the start of these communities that has really pushed other major retailers to become much more intimate with their gamers demand for accurate and unbiased information. Playstations news portion of the site offers disclaimer that proudly tells visitors that they’re keeping a promise to us by releasing articles written by private media companies in the game industry. The best sources, simply for us.

The fact of the matter is that mainstream media requires smaller run independents to keep buying and enjoying their products in order to survive, but in the gaming industry its taken one step further. Word of mouth can crush a game even if its presale (copies of the product purchased or put on hold before release) is strong, which is why honest reviewers are so valuable. They keep companies in check and begging for good reviews just the same as they keep the sites that bring them the criticism they need running for as long as possible. It forces companies to behave better and reminds them that their advertisement heavy tilted reviewers are slowly losing power to people who genuinely understand not only how the gaming industry functions but also what’s expected of its consumers. This isn't something that a lot of reviewers can claim they have power over, yet it’s a fact that Penny Arcade doesn’t even bother addressing. They just do what they want, and so far its turned out just fine.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Resale Value?

It's been a recent trend amongst the next generation of consoles to release older games, in the same sense that car companies attempt to reinvent the 'classics.' The goal is to capture the nostalgia of older gamers while at the same time drawing younger gamers to mediums that defined modern gaming. The best example of this is the Wii and its Virtual Console, much of its initial selling points boiled down to the ability to play older games at a much lower cost. And while there are many choice words to be said to a company that attempts to sell you the same product twice Virtual Console is a bargain compared to what else is being offered.

Nintendo and its hand held juggernaut the DS takes a different approach when it comes to releasing previously created games. Gunning for both older titles with a very active and heavy fan base (Chrono Trigger) as well as releasing games previously unreleased outside of Japan (FF3) these older titles are resold with minor (to major) graphical updates and (when applicable) English translation. But are these games worth their new 40.00 USD price? While it is nice to play through older games again, I don't know if there is a justification for charging full price on a game that has not only already been created but is simply being ported. Maybe there are some things tuned, some graphical upgrades, maybe new never before seen cut scenes...but isn't that completely undermining the work previously done by these men and women who on some level pushed hard to invent and individualize the gaming industry? It seems like a cruel joke in a sense, since the games can't really get any better then they first were.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Unorthodox Marketing, Does it Work?

Searching for advertisements to review for class I stumbled across the following image, designed by David Krulik the image below is one of a set of three made to showcase the Toyota Prius in a different light...

Working with the caption "At Least He Owns a Prius" the idea is to capture a series of people doing acts that are normally considered not-so-good. Its obviously going to capture some attention but really at what cost? I can think of a lot of commercials that try to catch a particular market by using methods that are typically over the top, and while these sorts of things would of failed a few years ago in today's society I feel our generation (and upcoming ones) are particularly receptive to this unusual brand loyalty. For example, the Nutri-Grain 'Feel Great' commercial that was released a few years back:

The advertisements collectively don't show me anything about the cars performance, or even what the health bar consists of. But they succeed on another level, getting me to connect with them on a positive note. There's yet to be a Nutri-Grain bar that I've seen that hasn't reminded me of the commercial, and while perhaps it's yet to change my buying attitude I can think of plenty of other products that have. For example, my purchase of the Zune was based largely off the fact that it was not an Ipod and my knowledge of the product came from it's product 'showcase' within Penny-Arcade. This isn't to say that normal advertisements don't get me to investigate things, however product placement has become something much greater then most people think. Its a way for us to connect to both what we're watching, and how we live our lives, I feel that a step above that is this new form of 'shock' advertisement. It connects to our humor generationally, and becomes water cooler material. Perhaps Toyota is hardly thrilled with this representation of their vehicle, but you can bet a lot of people love it. And things that're loved, people look into in depth.

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Joker: A Dark Complexity

A lot of head bashing as far as 'how the Joker is supposed to be' is put to rest by a few differences. As a kid I grew up used to the happy go lucky version of the character, who would combat you with acid flowers and a giant wooden mallet that flew out of a pen...The Joker never made sense, he was a villain purely for being a villain.

Evil for the sake of being Evil is boring. And that's what every sort of Saturday day morning cartoon villain is, they're a bad guy because they want to be. What will they do when they have all those riches? What will they gain once they've dominated the world? These questions are never answered...and for a good reason. If they were, that would be the end of it. I love these Batman movies because the villains have a point. Yes, mobsters and thugs still exist but the main character bad guys have more to them. In the last film we had a group of people dedicated to wiping any society off the face of the earth if it happened to become corrupt. In their minds they were the good guys, and that's what a real villain is...someone who see their cause not as 'evil' or as 'greedy' but rather as the cure. Its in that difference I feel that Batman Begins looks like a miserable failure in comparison to The Dark Knight.

The Joker might not of laughed a lot for real, but you felt his humor. You felt his excitement and glee when Batman slammed his face into a desk, when he was dangling at the edge of the building, every punch thrown at him the Joker loved. What he was out to win wasn't fame or glory, he was out there to drag everyone down to his level. To prove that no one in Gotham was a symbol of hope, that they were all humans and humans are just as terrible as one another. Perhaps Bruce Wayne is the exception to the rule, but at what cost does he maintain being Batman? He can have no real friends (aside Alfred), no family, barely any loved ones and even those happiest moments of his life are often time tainted with sorrow. He doesn't live as a human, but rather pours every aspect of his life (and business) into maintaining an ideal so that the ordinary people CAN live ordinary and safe lives. Its the absence of self sacrifice that makes the Jokers punch lines, the fact that he actively kills his own men as well as sets civilians on one another. In that sense I felt his laughter throughout the entire film. No amount of 'hahaha' could ever make up for the loss of that sort of anarchy.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Warhammer Online: A Mythic Blunder or Steps to Progress?

When it comes to Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG's) things have changed far from what humble beginnings they emerged from. From simple tools used to connect other players with similar interests to the redefinition of mass communication, MMORPGs have come to affect every aspect of our society. Once played strictly by gamers the narrow generations of 'young people' that defined the start of console gaming have slowly begun to affect the online variants. In short more than just kids are playing. Many young men and women growing into professional occupations are starting to show up more and more in gaming communities (particularly though not exclusively in the case of MMOs), and as the second generation of online gaming comes to a close and waves in the third with games such as Age of Conan, fans are pushing for a much more responsive (and responsible) game developer than ever before.

Players are starting to understand exactly what they should expect from developing companies, and one particular developer might be failing to meet expectations before the game is even released. EA Mythic (developer of Dark Age of Camelot and the upcoming Warhammer: Age of Reckoning) released an interview with their own Vice President Mark Jacobs to overview the upcoming changes being made to their online world. A smaller developer than most others are used to dealing with, it was this company that GamesWorkshop decided to entrust with the creation of an online variant using arguably the most popular tabletop game in the world: Warhammer. Their notoriety for stability as well as fantastic customer support and receptive player feedback had no doubt played in their favor.

And so it was a little surprising when EA Mythic announced that they would be undoing a change meant to reflect their convergence into EA by reclaiming Mythic Entertainment as their development name. “I think that this is a wonderful example of how things at EA are changing,” Jacobs stated in his interview explaining that part of this name change shows off that developers can be part of a union but still keep their individuality and freedoms. Coupled with the fact Jacobs had initially stated in 2006 that EA would not interfere with the future of Warhammer: Age of Reckoning, many reservations about the two joining were pushed aside, instead celebrating what seemed to be Mythic Entertainment’s chance to really shine out with a larger budget.

Two companies merging is generally a sign of additional services to come for consumers. For example, in the case of AOL and Time Warner the idea is that more media capabilities would attract more customers and secure a larger Internet base. However in the case of game developers a convergence has a different meaning, implying that a larger developer will offer a smaller team more funding in hopes that both parties will be able to make more money. The parent company then makes the choice to let the absorbed developer continue to run their own show or to intervene and change things for what they feel is better. The latter is sadly more often the case and for a lot of games it shows. Both Everquest 2 and Vanguard both had their gameplay radically changed by Sony, Vanguard now suffering from an extreme loss of players to the point where shutting down their servers could become reality. However the motivation for EA's new policy remained unclear for the next twenty-four hours as fans were left wondering why such a clear show of faith to let Mythic keep their independent name would be brought up in such an exclusive interview.

It wasn't until the second part of their interview was released that the real concerns were addressed by Mythic, the addition of Punkbuster (an online anti-cheat program) as well as the temporary removal of four major world cities and the additional removal of four classes for an undetermined (possibly permanent) amount of time. “We wanted to make our Capital Cities the best cities in any MMO. We think we’re doing that, but it came at a price and that price is that the other cities aren’t going in the game right now," Jacob states. However many players are having an issue with the rapid change of a product many have already paid for.

The idea of preordering isn't new to the gaming community, but exactly what defines the 'terms' of a preorder is something that gamers are having a hard time defining. Many customers are misunderstanding that what they're buying is in fact the final product of developers, something that's subject to change in the alpha and beta periods of game testing. Even still, that has not stopped the gaming community from raising a lot of questions on the subject despite assurances from Mythic that all is for the best. Arguing that taking the time to ensure that their game is running with the highest amount of quality achievable to say whether or not the temporary removal of content will really bring a significant change to a game is difficult to say. Due to the limited amount of players allowed to test the game at any point in time all fans have to go on for now is the word of the developers, as the real stress test won't occur until the games release.

For now much is speculation as details of their two remaining cities as well as Realm vs Realm (RvR) content remains to be mostly undisclosed, but that has yet to stop Mythic from releasing more news explaining both their decision as well as future updates to the gameplay. In fact four more interviews have been released within three days of their content changing announcement further explaining the changes and why they are beneficial to their community, a good sign for a company that many are saying have lost control of their initial product. However if there was to be any indicator that things were going smoothly, the amount of fans still eagerly awaiting the release of the game is the greatest proof of all. "I don't understand the decision on the classes, a lot of them were very popular and sounded great, but I trust Mythic to make the right decisions in their development cycle. They've given me no reason not to, since, you know, I haven't played the game yet,” states one game enthusiast, and his feelings are certainly shared amongst a very large and growing new community of sophisticated gamers.

Rape Proof Condom

"KLEINMOND, South Africa (Reuters) - A South African inventor unveiled a new anti-rape female condom on Wednesday that hooks onto an attacker’s penis and aims to cut one of the highest rates of sexual assault in the world.Nothing has ever been done to help a woman so that she does not get raped and I thought it was high time,” Sonette Ehlers, 57, said of the “rapex,” a device worn like a tampon that has sparked controversy in a country used to daily reports of violent crime."

That's just a snippet of a larger article showcasing this new device meant to latch onto an inserted penis and (in theory) discourage rape against women. It's not detailed exactly how this creation is inserted, however it is explained that the removal of said condom requires surgical assistance.

Now while I am all for the prevention of rape I don't really see how this device (named rapex) will actually help in the long run. Considering that rape is really something that is unpredictable, women would be forced to wear this device 24/7 in order to gain complete safety. And what about in the security of your own home? Things like this don't help society, but rather do more harm. There's no telling what I would do if someone (or something) cut into my genitals, anything from cringe to perhaps seek vengeance would be on the list...Which it seems rapex is set prime to inspire. I'm not so sure about Africa, but I can say that within the United States I feel the best route we could take as a society to combat rape would be to give women more political outlets in order to fight back. The dramatic increase in rape awareness is a major help for victims, as well as law based routes you can take to ensure that the punished get punished. I don't feel there is any other punishment greater then a societal shun, and there are many installations in place that help us track and stay aware of dangerous individuals in our community. Child molesters for example cannot live within a particular range of a school, or any institution or shop where children frequent. In addition sites ranging from the simple ( to the very complex ( making it impossible for these people to hide, or be able to function in a normal society is the key.

Now obviously there is a fine line here that must be seen, that being what constitutes as rape. A seventeen year old girl and an eighteen year old guy messing around for the first time as boyfriend and girlfriend is legally no different then a forty year old man and a fourteen year old girl...or vice versa when it comes to gender. Having a judge and jury educated and understanding enough to recognize differences between a case of rape and a harmless route of self discovery is much harder then it seems, especially since consent from both parties might not mean much of anything. All in all this device solves none of these problems, instead looking to see immediate retribution. It's sad to see something like this created, because all it really does is inspire more immediate hate while at the same time creating a more 'intelligent' rapist. After all, does this condom even help against sodomy? Eventually someone will figure out that perhaps its best to test the waters before diving in, which will lead to a whole new level of tragedy.